Friday, August 31, 2018

Call for Speaker

#Showcase and #Explore the#novel #trends #benchmarking your #research #work at the most #prestigious #event #World #Breast_Cancer#Research #Conference which is to be held in #Rome #Italy during#October15-16, 2018 

 For more info visit- 

 Category of Participation at Breast Cancer 2018: 
Oral Presentation 
Poster Presentation 
Keynote talks 
Delegate Presence 
Exhibitor Participation 
Workshop Sponsorship Opportunities. 
For #Abstract Submission; Follow this link ---->

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Book your Slot now..!!

#Showcase and #Explore the #novel #trends #benchmarking your #research #work at the most #prestigious #event#World   #Breast_Cancer #Research #Conference which is to be held in #Rome #Italy during #October15-16, 2018 

 For more info visit- 

Category of Participation at Breast Cancer 2018: 

Oral Presentation 
Poster Presentation 
Keynote talks 
Delegate Presence 
Exhibitor Participation 
Workshop Sponsorship Opportunities. 

 For #Abstract Submission; Follow this link ---->

Monday, August 27, 2018

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Speaker slot available

  A Conference to bring her smile back...

#Pulsus _Conference is organizing the #World _Congress on Breast Cancer on October 15-16,2018, at Rome, Italy.
We welcome you all to this wonderful event where you get a chance to share your #research ideas and to listen to our eminent #speakers.

#Register now before the slots fill up.

Kindly go through our official conference website for further details:

Friday, August 24, 2018

Register Soooon...!!!!

#Breast Cancer2018 welcomes #attendees, #presenters, and #Exhibitors from all over the #world to join us and#share their #research#knowledge on #October 15-16, 2018 at #Rome, #Italy. 

Category of Participation at Breast Cancer 2018: 

Oral Presentation 
Poster Presentation 
Keynote talks 
Delegate Presence
 Exhibitor Participation 
Workshop  Sponsorship Opportunities.

 For #Abstract Submission at our conference, Follow this link ---->

 online payment-

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Poster presentation

#Breast_Cancer 2018 delightedly welcome to our #Student_Ambassador  #SabrinaJansz #Medical_Student from #United_Kingdom.

be a part of  #Breast_Cancer 2018 #Conference and share your knowledge with the #Experts

for more details visit our site-
submit your #Abstract ----------> 
Brochure download-
#Register soon.....!!!!


Breast Cancer 2018

#Breast_Cancer 2018 conference #October 15-16,2018 @Rome, Italy  
#Register for the conference and avail the #Early_Bird_discount- 
Submit an #abstract at- 
download the brochure-

Monday, August 20, 2018

Register now..!!!

Conferences are to learn skills and take part in brand new experiences. Conferences are for increasing communication skills and leadership qualities. Conferences are for academic and career success. In our conference, World Congress on Breast Cancer , the panel esteemed speakers and experts will present the latest updates and innovative updates. Participate in our conference and submit your abstracts immediately. You can mail us or you can also submit through our website. 
For more details:
 Submit an #Abstract-
 Download the #Brochure-
 #Register here-

Friday, August 17, 2018

Speaker Slot Available...

#Breast_Cancer_2018 provide a #platform to show the #principle behind your #products and #services and to telecast it in front of people related to g#Breast_Cancer on #October 15-16, 2018 at #ROME, #ITALY We are opening for #workshop and #Speaker slot also available registrations now!! 
Be a leader by organizing a fabulous #workshop on recent /#innovations and advancements in the field of#Oncology at #Breast_Cancer_2018 conference scheduled on #October 15-16, 2018 at#Rome,#Italy 

 For #Abstract Submission at our conference, 

Follow this link -------> 

To know more about conference, Follow--------> 

Contact us for queries regarding conference :| 

#Cancer Events, Breast #Cancer _Meetings, #Breast _Cancer _Symposium, #Breast Cancer Conferences, _Breast Healthcare, #Breast Cancer Treatment, #Women _Health, #Cancer Conferences in Italy,

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Tyrosine kinase inhibitors

#Tyrosine kinase inhibitors are #targeted_therapies for #cancer.

Tyrosine-kinase inhibitors include neratinib (Nerlynx), which is FDA-approved for the treatment of HER2-positive early breast cancer, and lapatinib (Tykerb), which is FDA-approved for the treatment of HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer.

Join with us in #Rome, Italy at #October15_16,2018 With our grand #World Congress on Breast Cancer

Save your #Dates and be a #Speaker for the conference.

contact us for queries regarding conference : | 
submit an #Abstract on- 
Visit the site for more details- 
download the brochure-

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Call For An Abstract

It’s a glad welcome to all #Professors,#Business_delegates, #young_Researchers, and #scholars to have a look at our #organization. Today is the day you begin to learn to look through the eyes of others; to find out and experience what the world is like for you. Here we provide a #tremendous_opportunity to join in this forum to utilize the expertise  that expands your views in the fields of #Research, #collaboration,#networking_opportunity.

contact us for queries regarding conference : | 
 submit an #Abstract on- 

Monday, August 6, 2018

Living with Breast cancer

#Breast cancer can affect your daily life in different ways, depending on what stage it's at and the treatment you're receiving.

How women cope with their #diagnosis and #treatment varies from person to person, but there are several forms of support.

 Know more from the #experts of #Breast Cancer

Which is scheduled on October 15-16,2018 at Rome, Italy.
 Category of Participation: 

  • Oral Presentation  
  • Poster Presentation  
  • Keynote talks  
  • Delegate Presence  
  • Exhibitor Participation                                                                                               
  know more about conference, Follow--------> 
contact us for queries regarding conference : |

#Cancer Events, Breast #Cancer _Meetings,#Breast _Cancer _Symposium, #Breast Cancer Conferences, _Breast Healthcare,#Breast Cancer Treatment, #Women _Health, #Cancer Conferences in Italy,

Saturday, August 4, 2018


To grow and reproduce, #breastcancer cells require the female #hormone estrogen. #Tamoxifen is an "anti-estrogen" and works by competing with estrogen to bind to #estrogen receptors in #breast cancer cells. Tamoxifen is formally known as a #selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). By blocking estrogen in the #breast, tamoxifen helps slow the growth and #reproduction of breast cancer cells.

Share your #Research with #Breast_Cancer 2018_#Congress scheduled on #October15_16,2018 at #Rome, #Italy.
Follow the link for more details- 
submit an #Abstract on- 
drop your query at-

Friday, August 3, 2018

Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

A #breast cancer #diagnosis can happen for a variety of reasons. It could be because of #genetics. In some cases, it could be due to #environmental causes.

 Share your innovative #research in #Cancer field and let the World know about your #Experimentation by joining us @World Congress on Breast Cancer 

Which is scheduled on #October15-16, 2018 at #Rome,Italy 

 Mail / 

follow the link for more info-  

#Abstract submission-  


Wednesday, August 1, 2018


#Anthracyclines kill #cancer cells by damaging their genes and interfering with their reproduction.

 Share your with#Breast_Cancer 2018_#Congress scheduled on ,2018 at#Rome,

Follow the link for more details- 

submit an on-

Obstetrics and Gynecology | Paris, France

Gynecologic cancers are treated in several ways. It depends on the kind of cancer and how far it has spread. Treatments include surger...