Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Breast Cancer 2019; London, UK

#Cancer affects your body, but it affects your emotions and feelings, too. #Mental_health treatment that claims to alter #tumor_growth is not recommended as the only form of #cancer_treatment, nor should it be sought just because someone thinks it might prolong life. But #mental_health care and  #emotional support can help patients and their loved ones better manage cancer and its treatment. Talk to the members of your cancer care team about things you can do to help yourself through a #cancer_diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes it also helps to talk to other survivors who are going through the same things you are facing.

A #Chance to share your #Research and learn from #Experts in #Breast _Cancer.
Join us in #London, #UK during #February25-26,2019 with the #Grand #Breast_Cancer2019 #Conference.
Download the program #Brochure
For Queries Contact Us on- |

#Breastfeeding #breastimaging #Oncology #Radiology #Surgery #Breastreconstruction #Breasttherapy #cancertherapy #cancerscience #oncology

Monday, October 22, 2018

Breast Cancer 2019 at London, UK

Taking control and having #power doesn’t need to extend outside of our own #lives for us to be effective. We can influence #young_people just by how we have the #confidence to be ourselves and seek our own way. You can make an impact, as a #survivor, you can continue to #battle_cancer by helping others #prevent what many of us had to go through. #We_do_have_power_in_this.

A #Chance to share your #Research and learn from #Experts in #Breast _Cancer.
Join us in #London, #UK during #February25-26,2019 with the #Grand #Breast_Cancer2019 #Conference.

Download the program #Brochure  –

For Queries Contact Us on- |

#Breastfeeding #breastimaging #Oncology #Radiology #Surgery #Breastreconstruction #Breasttherapy #cancertherapy #cancerscience #oncology

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thought of the day….Breast cancer Awareness Month..Day 18

Every #October, the colour #pink shows up a little more than usual. From pink accessories and pink clothing to pink fingernails and pink hair, people are going to be integrating pink into their wardrobes to support #Breast_Cancer_Awareness_Month
Share your #experience with #Breast_Cancer2019 #conference which is scheduled to be held on #February25-26,2019 at #London, #UK
Submit an your abstract on –

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Join the Congress at London, Uk

#October marks the arrival of #Breast_Cancer_Awareness Month, a time dedicated to increasing the public’s understanding of this awful disease and #commemorating those who have #fought its hard battle. 

Every year, as the leaves begin to change colors, we also see those #pink ribbons start to pop up everywhere. It’s a beautiful thing to see people come together in support of this amazing idea – ending breast cancer once and for all. 

#Pulsus invites all #Breast_Cancer_Surgeons, #Women_Health_care #professionals, #Pathologists, #Oncologists, #Researchers, #Students, #Young researchers and #business_delegates across the globe. on #World_Congress_on_Breast_Cancer, at #London,UK. 

Save the #Dates and #Explore your #ideas

Contact us |

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Breast Cancer Awareness Month…Special Discount on Registration…

Being #diagnosed with #breast cancer is a life-changing experience. It can be hard to handle the news at first, and even harder to know how to proceed, no matter your prognosis. 
While everyone’s journey is unique, knowing that others before you have been through something similar can give you the #strength and #inspiration you need to keep everything in perspective. 
Share your #experience with #Breast_Cancer2019  #conference which is scheduled to be held on #February25-26,2019 at #London, #UK.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Submit an Abstract now..!!!

#October is a #Breast_Cancer_Awareness Month; 

To commemorate the “#Breast_Cancer_Awareness” we are offering Special discounts on the registration prices for the #Breast_Cancer2019 conference which is scheduled on #February 25-26,,2019 at #London,#UK. from #October 1-2018 to #October 31,2018.

Start #registering and #share your #current view in #Breast_Cancer 2019 conference.
We hope you would be glad to grab this opportunity.

Contact us_ |

#Breastfeeding #breastimaging #Oncology #Radiology #Surgery #Breastreconstruction #Breasttherapy #cancertherapy #cancerscience #oncology

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Obstetrics and Gynecology | Paris, France

Gynecologic cancers are treated in several ways. It depends on the kind of cancer and how far it has spread. Treatments include surger...