Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Be a Speaker..!!! Dublin, Ireland

Breast cancer 2019 banner 2

First phase of Abstract deadline is about to end ! Don’t miss out on your chance to present your poster to Breast Cancer 2019. be in with the chance of winning a prize.

Submissions can be made through our website- 


Certificates of participation will be given..!!!!

Speaker oncology research keynote conference reland cancer exhibition workshop
Contact us- breastcancer@oncologysuummit.org

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Another chance for you at Dublin, Ireland

 Some glimpses of “World_Congress_on_Breast_Cancer which was scheduled to be held on #February25-26,2019 at #London, #UK.

If you missed the opportunity, then join the “2nd _World_Congress_on_Breast_Cancer



Obstetrics and Gynecology | Paris, France

Gynecologic cancers are treated in several ways. It depends on the kind of cancer and how far it has spread. Treatments include surger...