Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Multigene testing for all patients with breast cancer cost-effective, ‘will save more lives

Multigene testing for all patients with breast cancer could be a cost-effective way to reduce disease burden compared with testing based upon family history or other clinical criteria, according to study results.
“Our research strategy is focused on targeted precision prevention, [and] a key theme in our research strategy for a long time has been broadening access to genetic testing. This will increase the number of people who can access prevention and screening and reduce burden of disease well beyond what is possible through current clinical protocols,” Ranjit Manchanda, MD, PhD, clinical senior lecturer at Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine of Barts Cancer Institute at Queen Mary University of London, told HemOnc Today. “This has two components and approaches — increasing testing at cancer diagnosis and population testing. The work for this particular paper is providing evidence for testing all [patients with] breast cancer.”

Source-  https://bit.ly/2VSekgN

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breastcancer Congress Spain abstract Research Group

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Breast Cancer 2020 | Spain

In recent years,Researcher have seen remarkable progress in treatment options and improved outcomes for breast cancer patients. 

To know more join us @Barcelona, Spain April 29-30,2020 

More Details- https://bit.ly/2s8xD6O
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Obstetrics and Gynecology | Paris, France

Gynecologic cancers are treated in several ways. It depends on the kind of cancer and how far it has spread. Treatments include surger...