Monday, July 23, 2018

Invasive Medullary Carcinoma Breast

Medullary _carcinoma is uncommon, representing about 5% of all breast cancers. It can develop any age, but more commonly affects women in their late 40s and early 50s. It is slightly more common for women who carry the #BRCA1 mutation. For unknown reasons, medullary breast cancers is more common in #Japan than in #North America. Medullary breast cancer tends to occur in only one breast, but approximately 3-18% of patients may develop multicentric tumors.

Learn more from #Experts, join us at- World Congress on Breast Cancer
#Breast_Cancer2018 #Conference scheduled on #october15-16,2018 @Rome, Italy. #Oncology_conference
Follow the link for more details-

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