Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Breast Cancer Surgery ..!!

#Surgery is usually the first line of attack against #breast cancer.
  • Lumpectomy, also known as breast-conserving surgery, is the removal of only the tumor and a small amount of surrounding tissue.
  • Mastectomy is the removal of all of the breast tissue. Mastectomy is more refined and less intrusive than it used to be because in most cases, the muscles under the breast are no longer removed.
  • Lymph node removal, or axillary lymph node dissection, can take place during lumpectomy and mastectomy if the biopsy shows that breast cancer has spread outside the milk duct. 

 Share your #Research with #Breast_Cancer 2018_#Congress scheduled on #October15_16,2018 at #Rome, #Italy.

 #Meet the #Experts in the # Oncology_Field, Learn more from them.
#Save your #Dates and be the #Participant of #Breast_Cancer 2018 _Congress

Follow the link for more details-https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/

submit an #Abstract on- https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/abstract-submission

Register here ---------------> https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/registration

drop your query at- breastcancer@pulsusevents.org

Monday, July 30, 2018

Doxorubicin resistance in breast cancer cells is mediated by extracellular matrix proteins

Breast cancer cells cultured in a 3D ECM-based model demonstrated altered sensitivity to doxorubicin, when compared to those grown in corresponding two-dimensional (2D) monolayer culture conditions. Investigations into the factors triggering the observed doxorubicin resistance revealed that cell-to-ECM interactions played a pivotal role. This finding correlated with the up-regulation of pro-survival proteins in 3D ECM-containing cell culture conditions following exposure to doxorubicin. Inhibition of integrin signalling in combination with doxorubicin significantly reduced breast cancer cell viability.

 #Breast_Cancer2018 are delightedly invite all the #Experts to #Explore your #research in #Breast_Cancer 2018 Conference on #October 15-16,2018 @Rome, Italy
be a #Speaker #Share your #Research with our #Grand Event
#Abstract_Submission and #Registration has been Officially opened now..!!

Do visit the Site at-https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/
Abstract Submission-https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/abstract-submission
Registration url-https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/registration

Drop your query at-breastcancer@pulsusevents.org /breastcancer@pulsusmeet.org

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Join with Us..

#Gene therapy for advanced #breast cancer is anticipated to be a useful therapeutic approach. Strategies in ongoing clinical protocols can be divided into four groups: 
(1) suppression of oncogenes or transfer of tumor-suppressor genes;
 (2) enhancement of immunological response; 
(3) transfer of suicide genes; 
(4) protection of bone marrow using drug resistance genes. 

  let us disclose together @World_Congress on #Breast_Cancer_2018 @Rome, Italy #October15-16,2018 For #Abstract Submission at our conference, 
Follow this link -------> https://bit.ly/2IaExiN 
To know more about conference, Follow--------> https://bit.ly/2s8xD6O 

contact us for queries regarding conference : breastcancer@pulsusevents.org
#Cancer Events, Breast #Cancer _Meetings, #Breast _Cancer _Symposium, #Breast Cancer Conferences, _Breast Healthcare,#Breast Cancer Treatment, #Women _Health, #Cancer Conferences in Italy,

Friday, July 27, 2018

Future of cancer ? this question hammers your brain to find the new trend way to detect the active disease CANCER. so let us disclose together @World_Congress on#Breast_Cancer_2018 @Rome, Italy #October15-16,2018 For #Abstract Submission at our conference, 
, Follow this link -------> https://bit.ly/2IaExiN
To know more about conference Follow--------> https://bit.ly/2s8xD6O 
contact us for queries regarding conference : 
#Cancer Events, Breast #Cancer _Meetings, #Breast _Cancer _Symposium, #Breast Cancer Conferences, _Breast Healthcare, 
 #Breast Cancer Treatment, #Women _Health,  
#Cancer Conferences in Italy,

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Workshop Opportunity

#Breast_Cancer_2018 provide a #platform to show the #principle behind your #products and #services and to telecast it in front of people related to #Breast_Cancer on #October 15-16, 2018 at #ROME, #ITALY We are opening for #workshop registrations now!! Be a leader by organizing a fabulous #workshop on recent #innovations and advancements in the field of #Oncology at #Breast_Cancer_2018 conference scheduled on #October 15-16, 2018 at #Rome, #Italy 
 For #Abstract Submission at our conference, Follow this link -------> https://bit.ly/2IaExiN 
To know more about conference, Follow--------> https://bit.ly/2s8xD6O contact us for queries 
  Events, Breast #Cancer _Meetings, #Breast _Cancer _Symposium, #Breast Cancer Conferences, _Breast Healthcare, #Breast Cancer Treatment, #Women _Health, #Cancer Conferences in Italy,

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Future of Cancer Treatment

#Breast cancer is in many ways ahead of other #solid tumors in terms of #targeted therapies. But one of the most exciting recent advances in cancer research has largely passed by #breast cancer.

#Immunotherapy has had tremendous success in melanoma, #kidney cancer, #lung cancer and prostate cancer. But no #Immunotherapy drugs have been approved for breast cancer. Unlike melanoma, breast cancer does not seem to generate much of an immune response.

Share your #Research with #Breast_Cancer_2018_Conference. Let the world know your 
#Specialization Save your #dates- October 15-16,2018 at Rome, Italy.

 Follow the link for more details- https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/

Do submit your abstract on-https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/abstract-submission

 Register here-https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/registration

Drop your query at- breastcancer@pulsusmeet.org / breastcancer@pulsusevents.org

Monday, July 23, 2018

Invasive Medullary Carcinoma Breast

Medullary _carcinoma is uncommon, representing about 5% of all breast cancers. It can develop any age, but more commonly affects women in their late 40s and early 50s. It is slightly more common for women who carry the #BRCA1 mutation. For unknown reasons, medullary breast cancers is more common in #Japan than in #North America. Medullary breast cancer tends to occur in only one breast, but approximately 3-18% of patients may develop multicentric tumors.

Learn more from #Experts, join us at- World Congress on Breast Cancer
#Breast_Cancer2018 #Conference scheduled on #october15-16,2018 @Rome, Italy. #Oncology_conference
Follow the link for more details-https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/

Estrogen and Breast Cancer

80% of all #breast cancers grow according to #estrogen supply. These are called #hormone-receptor-positive breast cancers (or hormone-sensitive breast cancers). This is a very powerful factor to identify because these cancers can be treated effectively by restricting #estrogen production in the body.

#Breast_Cancer2018 #Conference scheduled on #october15-16,2018 @Rome, Italy. #Oncology_conference #Cancer_Therapy 
Follow the link for more details- https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/
Do submit your abstract on- https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/abstract-submission
 Register here-https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/registration
drop your query at- breastcancer@pulsusmeet.org / breastcancer@pulsusevents.org

Friday, July 20, 2018

Primary breast cancer

#Tamoxifen can be used to treat primary #breast cancer. It is usually given as an #additional treatment following surgery, to reduce the #risk of breast cancer returning in the same breast or a new breast cancer developing in either breast, or spreading somewhere else in the body.Occasionally, #tamoxifen may be used as the #first treatment for #breast cancer.

Know more about #Breast_Cancer, by participating in #World_Congress_on_Breast_Cancer
 scheduled on #october15-16,2018 @Rome, Italy. #Oncology_conference #Cancer_Therapy 
Follow the link for more details-https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/
Do submit your abstract on-https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/abstract-submission
drop your query at- breastcancer@pulsusmeet.org / breastcancer@pulsusevents.org

Thursday, July 19, 2018


#October was #National Breast_Cancer _Awareness month, but with more and more families facing this disease, it's imperative to know the early warning signs of #breast_cancer and find out what you can do to help prevent the disease.

Join us with our grand #Breast_Cancer 2018_Conference 
scheduled on #october15-16,2018 @Rome, Italy. #Oncology_conference #Cancer_Therapy 
Follow the link for more details-https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/
Do submit your abstract on-https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/abstract-submission
drop your query at- breastcancer@pulsusmeet.org / breastcancer@pulsusevents.org

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Role of Occupational Therapy in Breast Cancer

Occupational therapy services are beneficial for individuals with breast cancer from the initial diagnosis through the survivorship phase of care. Deficits from breast cancer and its treatment can be complex and have a compounding effect, with patients sometimes experiencing improvements in physical abilities but not in functional outcomes due to fear and anxiety about moving the affected extremities. Many individuals coping with breast cancer need to return to roles such as caring for children as soon as possible, which creates a need for education and training on adapting for short-term deficits (e.g., neuropathy) while preventing future deficits (e.g., repetitive stress injuries)

Know more about #Breast_Cancer by participating in #World_Congress_on_Breast_Cancer
 scheduled on #october15-16,2018 @Rome, Italy. #Oncology_conference #Cancer_Therapy 
Follow the link for more details-https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/

Do submit your abstract on-https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/abstract-submission

drop your query at- breastcancer@pulsusmeet.org / breastcancer@pulsusevents.org

Rehabilitation of Breast Cancer

A rehabilitation program must address the physical and psychosocial aspects of breast cancer, both at presentation and at recurrence. For a patient with early breast cancer, lifestyle changes may be important. A primary goal of a rehabilitation program is that each breast cancer patient should become well informed regarding treatment and its consequences in order to continue with her life.

Learn more  from the #Experts by joining us at #Breast_Cancer2018 #Conference scheduled on #october15-16,2018 @Rome, Italy.
 Follow the link for more details-  https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/
Do submit your abstract on- https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/abstract-submission
drop your query at- breastcancer@pulsusmeet.org / breastcancer@pulsusevents.org

Monday, July 16, 2018

Breast Cancer Congress 2018

Follow the link for more details-https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/
Do submit your abstract on-https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/abstract-submission

Friday, July 13, 2018

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Breast cancer chemoprevention: Medicines that reduce breast cancer risk

If you're at high risk of breast cancer, you may be able to improve your odds of staying cancer-free by taking certain medicines, an approach known as chemoprevention or preventive therapy.
Medications for breast cancer chemoprevention are the subject of much ongoing research.


 Tamoxifen blocks the effects of estrogen — a reproductive hormone that influences the growth and development of many breast tumors.

Share your #Research and learn more from The #Experts to  #Breast_Cancer2018 #Conference scheduled on #october15-16,2018 @Rome, Italy. 
Follow the link for more details- https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/
Do submit your abstract on- https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/abstract-submission
 Register for the conference and avail #Early_bird_discount- https://breastcancer.pulsusconference.com/registration

drop your query at- breastcancer@pulsusmeet.org / breastcancer@pulsusevents.org


Obstetrics and Gynecology | Paris, France

Gynecologic cancers are treated in several ways. It depends on the kind of cancer and how far it has spread. Treatments include surger...